Friday 21 January 2011

Hamilton wants credible persons for women league NIGERIA

Ahead of the election into the women league board slated for January 29 in Abuja, former Super Falcons coach Paul Hamilton has called on the authorities concerned to ensure that people who have passion and interest for the game are elected.

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Although Hamilton is not unmindful of the fact that most often government preferred candidates emerged victorious, he told that government should read the mood of the nation and choose people who have made great impact and still keen to contribute towards the development of the women league.“The authorities know who they want to take and they would look at the hand writing on the wall and know those who have offered their services to the growth of women football in the country.
“I have no special candidate but I would want those who have been at the fore front in the development of women football, people whom I still think have interest and passion, so let them choose them.
“Women have done us proud, how many times have we won the African Women Championships (AWC), how many times have we gone to the World Cup, so let them give us people who have the passion and interest for the game.” The former Nigerian international who said the main problem facing women league at the moment is lack of sponsors however opined that instead of the two telecommunications giants – MTN and Globacom struggling for the soul of the premier league one of them should go to the women league.
“At the moment we are having cries and heated arguments over the sponsorship of the premier league, two giants telecommunication outfits are dagger drawn over sponsorship and I said asked why can’t one of them go to the women league.
“Women league is crying, looking for sponsors, let one of them goes to the women league and the other to the premier league so that things will go on fine with the women league.
“What we need at the moment is sponsorship, at least, for the players to have something and a sense of belonging, let one of the giants go and sponsor the women league,” he said.

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